Island Rail Corporation
Island Rail Corporation (IRC) is a privately held company at the forefront of bringing together a consortium of local, national, and international companies that can support Vancouver Island’s vision to rebuild the Island Rail Corridor for future generations; all within the framework of Reconciliation with the First Peoples as its Partners. Our team, working closely with Island Rail stakeholders, has undertaken the research and data acquisition of private sector interest in the return of specifically freight-rail service to Vancouver Island; passenger-rail service being a byproduct of the former revenue producer. The IRC team has aligned with many key businesses and organizations along the Island Rail Corridor, including beyond Vancouver Island, that will benefit directly from a new and enhanced Island Rail System.
With identified partnerships and stakeholders, IRC is advancing a new vision for Island Rail operating heavy freight-rail service from Port to Ports (P2P) between the West and East coast ports of Vancouver Island; Port of Alberni, and Port in Nanaimo, respectively, connecting with the Lower Mainland. Bidirectional rail traffic at Nanaimo terminals will connect with mainland Class I railway interchanges and the North American rail network via an enhanced high-capacity rail-marine service. Expanding port facilities at Port Alberni to handle an influx in domestic and international freight with the P2P corridor providing the needed rail capacity while alleviating congestion at Vancouver terminals. IRC includes regional freight-rail service to local businesses along the Island Rail Corridor that can benefit from direct rail service. Additionally, as a byproduct of revenue-generating heavy freight service, IRC supports an intercity passenger service between Nanaimo, Victoria, and Courtenay as well as a higher frequency passenger rail service between Duncan, Langford, and Victoria. IRC envisions operating seasonal revenue-generating tourist trains between strategic tourism-centric Island points of interest. Furthermore, extending the network reach beyond the existing rail corridor and to communities not currently rail-served is within the project scope.
The vision is strong and our partnerships stronger. Island freight and passenger rail services, together with an enhanced Island Rail network and system will return; stronger, more dynamic, diversified, and capable than Island Rail has historically been without the IRC vision. The outlined IRC approach prioritizes Reconciliation with First Nations as majority owners and partners in Island Rail.
First Nations
IRC recognizes the value and importance of First Nations involvement in the future success of the Island and its railway. As such, IRC has a strong desire and commitment to partner with the local First Peoples and Indigenous Leaders. IRC also understands and supports the need to have the sections of unceded corridor lands returned to the affected First Nations and for these Indigenous Partners to share in the success and importance Island Rail will have for all people of Vancouver Island for the next seven generations. Working in partnership with Island Rail Corp, associated First Nations can participate in a superior modern rail network operating to its full potential, an Island Rail System that will provide a GREEN Transportation System serving Vancouver Island and markets beyond; an Island Rail System that not only meets but exceeds the social and economic objectives of a sustainable future for generations to come. This is an inclusive and substantial opportunity for all.
Indigenous Peoples along the Island Rail Corridor that is presently the Island Corridor Foundation need to have the unceded territory resolved. Island Rail Corp supports this need and is pleased to lend our support to its resolution. It is our expressed hope that the rebuilding of contemporary rail will assist Indigenous Peoples along the corridor in achieving their goals for a socio-economic and environmental future for them and all of Vancouver Island. IRC prioritizes Reconciliation with First Nations as majority owners and partners in Island Rail.
Our Mandate
To facilitate restoration, revitalization, and enhancement of all rail infrastructure on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, as the core infrastructure of a future transportation system to move Port to Port freight, people (public and tourists alike), and enhance intermodal and transload operations in support of freight-rail services moving bidirectional local, national, and international bound and originating freight commodities;
To foster a broad coalition of partners, including both government and non-governmental groups including the private sector and First Nations, as well, including Indigenous businesses, all of which will aid in achieving these purposes;
To ensure such projects are undertaken in an environmentally friendly and socially beneficial manner, with a goal of reducing Island greenhouse gas emissions while also reducing Island highway congestion and simultaneously improving freight transportation efficiency;
To develop broad private sector, Indigenous, and political support; and
To promote integration with ALL other forms of transportation; on and off the Island, including trucks, ferries and airports.
Port Alberni Deepwater Terminals
Island Rail Corporation has identified a variety of freight traffic, nearly exclusive to Port Alberni industries and port terminal expansion facilitating the birth of a modern western port. This freight-rail traffic helps significantly reduce and keep excess heavy commercial vehicle traffic off of capacity-limited and already congested Island highways, particularly highways 4 and 19 between Port Alberni and Duke Point. Unlike highway transport, this freight shifted to rail will remain moving reliably in any and all extreme weather conditions, be economically and environmentally preferred, eliminate excess product handling including risk of damage and loss, extending improved safety benefits to other road users as well as reducing costly and disruptive road maintenance. A modern federal port in Port Alberni will have the ability to handle Canadian, US, and global market supply chain goods and the additional existing western port freight overflow due to current supply chain congestion. IRC has an opportunity to move these goods arriving at a modern deepwater port in Port Alberni connecting them with their end destination via mainland Class I railway interchanges and their networks.
Rail To Port Advantages
Eliminates excessive handling and risk of product loss or damage during transload.
Accommodates 2-4 times more product moved per carload with high-capacity rail-marine service.
Provides reliable and safe transport of freight (and people) regardless of weather conditions.
Significantly reduces extended existing western port dwell time for marine traffic.
Speeds up ocean vessel turnaround, alleviating congestion at existing terminals.
Avoids navigational challenges of West Coast Short Sea Shipping favouring rail-marine service.
Directly connects and delivers carloads to Class I railway interchanges and their networks;
Provides much needed freight capacity and growth within a designated Foreign Trade Zone;
Significantly reduces excess inefficient commercial vehicle traffic on Island highways,
which improves road safety and reduces the need for costly and disruptive road
maintenance, benefiting other roadway users and local Island taxpayers.
Significantly reduces emissions by significantly increasing transit efficiency, moving 2-4 times
more product while using 3-4 times less fuel, removing an excess of inefficient commercial
vehicles from the road, and minimizing ocean vessel turnaround and port dwell time.
Supports enhanced passenger rail services and tourism rail opportunities.
Foreign Trade Zone Vancouver Island
Did you know Vancouver Island is a Foreign Trade Zone? Local, Provincial, National, and International shippers can benefit directly from associated trade zone advantages by utilizing Vancouver Island port facilities to move their products and goods. A direct IRC rail link between Vancouver Island and North American rail networks will play a crucial role in maximizing this trade zone status by providing seamless end-to-end benefits to shippers both on and off Vancouver Island, importing, exporting, and moving their products anywhere. IRC is a member of Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) and you can view our profile at
As a member of Vancouver Island’s Foreign Trade Zone working committee, IRC wholeheartedly supports its vision and the role contemporary rail has to offer. Rebuilding the Vancouver Island railway network will establish cost-efficient transportation for both Domestic and International cargo while meeting Net Zero Climate Action goals.
Island Rail Stakeholders
The private sector companies and organizations Island Rail Corporation (IRC) is engaging with each bring their own valuable industry experience and benefits and each can provide and gain tremendous socio-economic and environmental benefits that will result from a rebuilt rail system serving their businesses. All those IRC has and is meeting with have expressed support to the mandate of the Island Corridor Foundation, which has been to preserve and protect the corridor for its continued use with rail; and all recognize the lands that make up the Island Corridor are unceded territory, an issue that must be addressed as a condition of the Island Rail Corridor meeting the needs of Vancouver Island for the next seven generations and beyond.
Indigenous Peoples along the Island Rail Corridor that is presently the Island Corridor Foundation need to have the unceded territory resolved. Island Rail Corp supports this need and is pleased to lend our support to its resolution. It is our expressed hope that the rebuilding of contemporary rail will assist Indigenous Peoples along the corridor in achieving their goals for a socio-economic and environmental future for them and all of Vancouver Island.
Photo of Alstom Tour attendees in Quebec City does not reflect the support of or by any parties shown
Alstom Passenger Pilot Project
Island Rail Corporation, along with representatives from Translink, the Nanaimo Airport Commission, the National Research Council, and Stewart Group Consulting had the pleasure and opportunity of accepting an invitation from Alstom to be introduced to their “State of the Art” technology and hydrogen-powered passenger pilot project in Quebec. Several Island Mayors and additional representatives from Island First Nations were invited to accompany IRC but unfortunately due to scheduling, were unable to attend. IRC also extended an invite to the ICF to attend but IRC did not receive a response. Experiencing and witnessing the application of this specific type of service knowing it is within the grasp of all Vancouver Island residents, along with opening the door to Tourism, was compelling. Although the scenic route taken through the heart of Quebec was exceptional, what Vancouver Island has to offer with this type of application opens the door to the benefit of everything from Environmental, Tourism, Transportation, and so much more. The door is open as we continue to work with all stakeholders on the re-establishment of Island Rail to the benefit of ALL residents on Vancouver Island.
IRC sees the immediate benefit of operating an Alstom hydrogen-powered passenger rail pilot project on sections of the existing southern half of the Island Rail Corridor between Victoria and atop the Malahat, feeding the Malahat Skywalk attraction initially, extending passenger rail service north to Nanaimo. With the consent of Indigenous Communities, and support from member Municipal/Regional Governments and tourism stakeholders, the private sector is willing and able to step in, invest, and assist with its operations.
Video courtesy of Alstom North America
Frequently Asked Questions
There has been much confusion and misinformation associated with the Island Rail Corridor over the years so the following FAQ is here to answer some of these questions and/or clarify any misconceptions while also making clear where Island Rail Corporation stands as a company.
The Island Rail Corridor, as the railway corridor on Vancouver Island is known, extends from Victoria to Courtenay and from Parksville to Port Alberni, as well, an isolated right of way from Duncan to Lake Cowichan. The railway on Vancouver Island was previously known as the Esquimalt & Nanaimo (E&N) Railway, owned and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) until the end of the 20th century. In the early 21st century, ownership and management of the railway and lands were donated and transferred to the Island Corridor Foundation (ICF) in exchange for a sizeable tax receipt to CP. ICF is not a railway company but solely a landlord for the Island Rail Corridor at present. The railway operation itself is currently privately operated by an independent rail operator under contract with ICF.
The Island Corridor Foundation (ICF) is a non-profit federal charity that acts as the present landlord of the Island Rail Corridor and is made up of representatives from all Regional Districts and First Nations that the corridor passes through, from Victoria to Courtenay, from Parksville to Port Alberni, and from Duncan to Lake Cowichan. ICF currently holds the lands of the railway corridor in trust on behalf of the people of Vancouver Island. ICF is not a railway company and is solely an owner and manager of the lands the railway tracks are on, not the railway operation itself.
Island Rail Corporation (IRC) is an incorporated and privately held company that, with identified partners and stakeholders, is advancing a new vision for Island Rail. IRC proposes operating heavy freight-rail service from Port to Ports (P2P) between the West and East coast ports of Vancouver Island; Port of Alberni, and Port in Nanaimo, respectively, connecting with the Lower Mainland. Bidirectional rail traffic at Nanaimo terminals will connect with mainland Class I railway interchanges and the North American rail network via an enhanced high-capacity rail-marine service. Expanding terminals at Port Alberni to handle an influx in domestic and international freight with the P2P corridor providing the needed rail capacity while alleviating congestion at Vancouver terminals. IRC also proposes regional freight-rail service to local businesses along the Island Rail Corridor that can benefit from direct rail service. Additionally, as a byproduct of revenue-generating heavy freight service, IRC supports an intercity passenger service between Nanaimo, Victoria, and Courtenay as well as a higher frequency passenger rail service between Duncan, Langford, and Victoria. IRC envisions operating seasonal revenue-generating tourist trains as well between strategic tourism-centric Island Corridor points of interest.
First Nations bands the Island Rail Corridor serves are directly consulted and involved with Island Rail Corporation (IRC) strategy. All local Nations will benefit from a fully rebuilt Island Rail System including the social benefits of passenger service and the economic benefits of freight service. Working in partnership with IRC, these First Nations can participate in a superior modern rail network operating to its full potential, an Island Rail System that will provide a GREEN Transportation System serving Vancouver Island and markets beyond; an Island Rail System that not only meets but exceeds the social and economic objectives of a sustainable future for the next seven generations. This is an inclusive and substantial opportunity for all.
Indigenous Peoples along the Island Rail Corridor that is presently the Island Corridor Foundation need to have the unceded territory resolved. Island Rail Corp supports this need and is pleased to lend our support to its resolution. It is our expressed hope that the rebuilding of contemporary rail will assist Indigenous Peoples along the corridor in achieving their goals for a socio-economic and environmental future for them and all of Vancouver Island. IRC prioritizes Reconciliation with First Nations as majority owners and partners in Island Rail.
Island Rail Corp has identified a variety of freight traffic and ALL rail traffic helps significantly reduce and keep excess heavy commercial vehicle traffic off of our already congested Island highways. On the passenger side, IRC supports intercity passenger service between Nanaimo, Victoria, and Courtenay, as well as higher frequency rail service on the South Island in the busy and largely populated CVRD and CRD regions. IRC envisions operating seasonal revenue-producing tourist trains as well between strategic Island Corridor points of interest. All passenger and freight rail services help keep excess passenger and commercial vehicle traffic off of our strained Island highway links. Rail service, passenger and freight, will remain operating reliably in any and all extreme weather conditions; much to the contrary of our highway system.
At capacity, a large number of trains can independently operate over all sections of a rebuilt and expanded Island Rail System on a daily basis. The frequency of these trains can vary between geographical areas, with higher passenger frequency on the South Island and high freight frequency from Port to Port over the Port Alberni to Nanaimo rail corridor. Not every train operates on a set schedule and as such, anytime is train time. In addition, track patrol and maintenance vehicles can be expected to be present on or around the Island Rail Corridor at any time. Once fully rebuilt and operational, increased rail activity on Vancouver Island will require accustomization.
This is a commonly misunderstood question. The underlying corridor land the railway tracks are on is indirectly publicly owned by the people of Vancouver Island and presently managed by ICF in trust. However, the railway tracks themselves are private property as they remain an essential part of any active rail operation. Therefore, for the general public, the simple answer is yes; active railway tracks on Vancouver Island are private property. As such, trespassing on active Island Rail Corridor tracks can legally be enforced by the RCMP under the federal Railway Safety Act of Canada. Do not trespass on active Island Rail Corridor tracks for reasons of legality and the safety of yourself and others. Public use of a designated trail or pathway within the Island Corridor right of way is of course permitted with clear separation from the railway tracks themselves and with appropriate signage indicating recreational use.
Island Rail Corridor infrastructure upgrades will be funded as part of a Public Private First Nations Partnership (PPFP) or P3 with costs shared largely by the Private Sector and additional funding provided by both Federal and Provincial levels of government.
Once the Island Rail Corridor is entirely rebuilt, passenger service will be offered as part of both an intercity and separate higher-frequency passenger rail service. Excursion train service will be operated as well. The date for the start of these passenger rail services is to be determined and will be based on infrastructure construction completion, among other operational factors.
IRC sees the immediate benefit of operating an Alstom hydrogen-powered passenger rail pilot project on sections of the existing southern half of the Island Rail Corridor between Victoria and atop the Malahat, feeding the Malahat Skywalk attraction initially, extending passenger rail service north to Nanaimo. With the consent of the Indigenous Communities, and support from member Municipal/Regional Governments and tourism stakeholders, the private sector is willing and able to step in, invest, and assist with its operations.
Interested in aligning with or contacting IRC?
Should you want to know more about IRC's vision for rail on Vancouver Island and the benefits we can offer Indigenous Communities and all Peoples of our growing Island community, please contact the Island Rail Corp team at or [email protected] - email to schedule a callback.
We welcome the support of all interested stakeholders in coming ‘On Board’!